چهار آپریل 2011
اقدام فوری

تظاهرات در شهرهای تبریز، ارومیه و بنا به گزارشات در شهر های دیگری که آذربایجانی های ایران زندگی میکنند صورت گرفته و طی آن از مقامات ایرانی درخواست شده که سدهای رودخانه های منتهی به دریاچه ارومیه که در خطر خشک شدن میباشد باز شود. مشابه تظاهرات گذشته، شرکت کنندگان باخود بطری های آب به همراه آورده و آنها را در رودخانه های منتهی به دریاچه و یا خود دریاچه ریختند. آنان همچنین پلاکاردهائی با خود حمل میکردند که در آن شعارهائی از قبیل «سد ها را باز کنید و بگذارید تا آب به دریاچه بریزد»، «دریچه ارومیه آب ندارد و اگر آذربایجان همین الان بپا نه خیزد دیگر دیر خواهد بود» و «زنده باد آذربایجان» نوشته شده بود.
در تظاهراتی که در تبریز در نزدیکی تلخه رود (آجی چای) صورت گرفت، پلیس لباس شخصی و نیروهای مسلح قریب 70 نفر را دستگیر و خیلی ها را مصدوم کردند. عده ای از دستگیر شدگان از جمله حبیب پورولی، جلیل علمدار میلانی، علی سلیمی، و سعید صیامی همچنان در بازداشت هستند. تظاهرات ارومیه در پارکی در داخل شهر صورت گرفت و بر اساس گزارشات رسیده، قریب 20 نفر از جمله سعید خیضیرلو در این شهر بازداشت شدند. بیشتر آنهائی که بازداشت شدند، احتمالاً، در فاصله 24 تا 48 ساعت آزاد شده اند. محل نگهداری آنهائی که هنوز در بازداشت بسر میبرند هنوز معلوم نیست.
لطفا بفوریت بزبان فارسی، انگلیسی و یا زبان خودتان بنویسید:
- درخواست از مقامات ایرانی تا به سرعت و بدون قید و شرط حبیب پورولی، جلیل علمدار میلانی، علی سلیمی، سعید صیامی و سعید خیضیرلو و معترضان دیگر را آزاد کنند. کسانی که در ارتباط با ابراز نظرات خود به طور مسالمت آمیز و شرکت در تجمعات صلح آمیز دستگیر شده اند و زندانی عقیده به حساب میایند.
- اصرار به مقامات که هر چه سریعتر محل نگهداری آنان را مشخص کرده و اطمینان بدهند که آنان در معرض شکنجه و بدرفتاری های دیگر قرار نگرفته و به وکیل، اعضا خانواده خود و امکانات درمانی مورد نیاز دسترسی خواهند داست.
- تاکید به مقامات که محدودیتهای غیر قانونی در مورد آزادی ابراز عقیده و تجمع و تشکل در ایران را لغو نمایند.
لطفا درخواست خود راقبل از 16 ماه مه بفرستید:
رئیس قوه قضائیه استان آذربایجان شرقی
حجت الاسلام شریفی
قوه قضائیه آذربایجان شرقی
مجتمع مرکزی
ابتدای تپه ولی عصر
تبریز-آذربایجان شرقی 5157733135 جمهوری اسلامی ایران
فاکس: 009841133201109
عنوان : آقای ... محترم
رئیس قوه قضائیه استان آذربایجان غربی
حجت الاسلام سید محمد علی موسوی
قوه قضائیه آذربایجان غربی
میدان انقلاب
ارومیه،آذربایجان غربی
جمهوری اسلامی ایران
Email: info@dadgostary-ag.ir
عنوان : آقای ... محترم
و رونوشت ها به :
دبیر کل، شورای عالی برای حقوق بشر
محمد جواد لاریجانی
شوری عالی برای حقوق بشر
از طریق دفتر رئیس قوه قضائیه، خیابان پاستور، خیبابن ولی عصر، جنوب سه راه جمهوری، تهران
1316814737جمهوری اسلامی ایران
Email: info@humanrights-iran.ir
قابل توجه آقای محمد جواد لاریجانی
عنوان : آقای ... محترم
رونوشت را به نماینده سیاسی ایران در کشور خود بفرستید. اگر درخواست خود راپس از پایان تاریخ بالا میفرستید لطفا با مسئول دفتر عفو بین الملل هماهنگ کنید.
اطلاعات تکمیلی
دریاچه ارومیه یک دریاچه نمک در شمال غربی ایران است. این دریاچه مابین استان های آذربایجان شرقی و آذربایجان غربی قرار دارد، بزرگترین دریاچه در خاورمیانه و سومین دریاچه نمک در سطح زمین میباشد. بیش از 40 سد روی 13 رودخانه که این دریاچه را سیراب میکنند بسته شده و خشکسالی اخیر نیز که از سال 1999 شروع شده به مقدار قابل توجهی مقدار آب وارده به دریاچه را کاهش داد ه است. همین مساله در عین حال شوری آب آنرا افزایش داده که در نهایت ممکن است به یک فاجعه زیست محیطی در منطقه منجر شود.
زبان آذربایجانی های ایران ترکی و بیشترشان مسلمان شیعه میباشند. آنها بزرگترین اقلیت در ایران بوده و قریب 25 تا 30 درصد جمعیت این کشور را تشکیل میدهند. بیشتر آذربایجانیها در شمال و شمال غرب کشور و همچنین در تهران بسر میبرند. با اینکه عموما بخوبی در جامعه ایرانی ترکیب شده اند اما در سالهای اخیر بصورت فزاینده ای درخواست حقوق فرهنگی و زبانی بیشتر از جمله اجرای حق تحصیل به زبان ترکی آذربایجانی که در قانون اساس ایران آمده ا ست مینمایند. ماده 15 قانون اساسی ایران مقرر میدارد که زبان رسمی در ایران فارسی میباشد و “اسناد رسمی، مکاتبات و متون و از جمله کتاب های درسی بایستی به این زبان باشد” اما اضافه میکند که” زبان های محلی و قومی نیز در مطبوعات و وسائط ارتباط جمعی و همچنین تدریس ادبیات آنها در مدارس مجاز علاوه بر زبان فارسی میباشد”.
اقلیت کمی از آذربایجانی ها بدنبال جدا شدن از ایران و پیوستن به جمهوری آذربایجان میباشند. در سالهای اخیر مقامات سوء ظن خود را نسبت به اقلیت های ایران که بیشتر آنها در مناطق مرزی زندگی میکنند به مقدار افزاینده ای افزایش داده و قدرت های خارجی از جمله ایالات متحده و انگلیس را متهم میکنند که به نارامی در میان آنان دامن میزنند. آنهائی که بدنبال ترویج هویت فرهنگی آذربایجانی و حقوق زبانی خود هستند اغلب با اتهامات مبهم مثل “ اقدام علیه امنیت ملی و تبلیغ پان-ترکیسم” متهم میشوند.
هم قبل و هم بخصوص پس از انتخابات مورد مناقشه در ماه ژوئن 2009، مقامات ایرانی بشدت آزادی ابراز نظر در ایران را محدود کرده، روزنامه نگاران را زندانی کرده اند -که عده زیادی از آنها هنوز در زندان بسر میبردند، در استفاده از اینترنت محدودیت بوجود آورده اند و سایت های خبری و روزنامه ها را تعطیل کرده اند. مطالبات فعالان حقوق اقلیت ها برای حقوق بیشتر سالهاست که سرکوب می شود. این الگوی رفتاری همچنان در سطح گسترده و به شکل سرکوب هر گونه مخالفت با سیاست های حکومت ادامه دارد.
Around 70 Iranian Azerbaijanis were reportedly arrested on 2 April during peaceful demonstrations in Tabriz, and about 20 others in Oromieh, north-westernIran. The protesters were calling for Lake Oromieh to be saved, as it is at risk of drying out due to dam building. Most have been released but the whereabouts of at least five protesters remain unknown.
در ماه فوریه 2010، ایران چندین توصیه برای تضمین آزادی ابراز نظر و آزادی مطبوعات را که توسط دولت های دیگر به عنوان بخشی از بررسی کارنامه حقوق بشر ایران در شورای حقوق بشر سازمان ملل ارائه شده بود پذیرفت. این توصیه ها در قالب بررسی جامع دوره ای انجام میشد (پاراگراف 90، پیشنهاد 52-58) اما توصیه های دیگر مبنی بر درخواست قطع اقداماتی از جمله تهدیدات و دستگیری های بی رویه نویسندگان، روزنامه نگاران و بلاگ نویس ها را رد نمود. به نظر میرسد که بر خلاف تعهد عمومی بالا، در عمل مقامات ایرانی همچنان به بی اعتنائی به مسولیت های خود در ارتباط با آزادی بیان ادامه میدهند. ایران همچنین پیشنهاداتی را که در ارتباط با خاتمه دادن به انواع تبعیضات و فشارها بر علیه اشخاص وابسته به مذاهب، ائتنیکها، اقلیت های زبانی و سایر اقلیت ها بوده است رد کرده است (به پاراگراف 92 مراجعه کنید). در ابتدای ماه مارس 2010، موجی از بازداشت مدافعات حقوق بشر براه افتاد. دانشجویان، روزنامه نگاران و فعالان سیاسی همچنان هدف قرار میگیرند. از ابتدای سال دامنه بازداشت ها افزایش یافته و وکلا، روحانیون، اعضاء اقلیت های مذهبی و ائتنیکی از جمله بهائی ها، کردها و آذربایجانی ها و آنهائی که رابطه فامیلی با اعضا گروه های غیر قانونی دارند را شامل شده است.
متن به انگلیسی :
Around 70 Iranian Azerbaijanis were reportedly arrested on 2 April during peaceful demonstrations in Tabriz, and about 20 others in Oromieh, north-westernIran. The protesters were calling for Lake Oromieh to be saved, as it is at risk of drying out due to dam building. Most have been released but the whereabouts of at least five protesters remain unknown.
The demonstrations took place in Tabriz, Oromieh and reportedly other cities where Iranian Azerbaijanis live, calling on the Iranian authorities to remove dams on rivers feeding Lake Oromieh (also spelt Urmia, Urumieh, Oroumiye) which is at risk of drying. Similar to protests in previous years, the protesters brought glasses of water and poured them into the rivers feeding the lake or the lake itself. They also carried banners with slogans such as "Break down dams and let water flow into the Lake Urmia", "Lake Urmia has no water in it and [if] Azerbaijan does not wake up now, it will be too late" and "Long live Azerbaijan".
The demonstration in Tabriz took place by the Talkheh River (also called Aji Chai) where plain-clothed police and armed forces arrested up to 70 people and injured many. Those still in detention in Tabriz are said to include Habib Pourvali, Jalil Alamdar Milani, Ali Salimi and Sa’id Siyami. In Oromieh, the protest took place in a park in the city where up to 20 people were reportedly arrested including Sa’id Khizirlou. Most of those arrested are believed to have been released within 24 to 48 hours. The whereabouts of those still detained are unknown.
PLEASE WRITE IMMEDIATELY in Persian, English or your own language: - Calling on the Iranian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Habib Pourvali, Jalil Alamdar Milani, Ali Salimi, Sa’id Siyami and Sa’id Khizirlou and any other detained protesters, if they were arrested in connection with the peaceful expression of their views or participation in a peaceful gathering, as they would be prisoners of conscience; - Urging the authorities to immediately disclose their whereabouts and to ensure that they are protected from torture and other ill-treatment and have access to a lawyer, their families and any medical treatment they might require; - Urging the authorities to remove unlawful restrictions on freedoms of expression, association and assembly in Iran.
PLEASE SEND APPEALS BEFORE 16 MAY 2011 TO: Head of East Azerbaijan Province Judiciary Hojjatoleslam Sharifi, Judiciary of East Azerbaijan, Central Complex, Beginning of Vali-Asr Hill, Tabriz, East Azerbaijan 5157733135, Islamic Republic of Iran Fax: 009841133201109 Salutation: Dear Sir
Head of West Azerbaijan Province Judiciary Hojjatoleslam Sayed Mohammad Ali Mousavi
Judiciary of East Azerbaijan Enghelab Square,
Oromieh, West Azerbaijan Province, Islamic Republic of Iran Email: info@dadgostary-ag.ir Salutation: Dear Sir
And copies to: Secretary General, High Council for Human Rights Mohammad Javad Larijani High Council for Human Rights [Care of] Office of the Head of the Judiciary, Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave. south of Serah-e Jomhouri, Tehran 1316814737,Islamic Republic of Iran Email: info@humanrights-iran.ir (subject line: FAO Mohammad Javad Larijani) Salutation: Dear Sir
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date.
Lake Oromieh is a salt lake in north-western Iran. The lake is situated between the Iranian provinces of East Azerbaijan and West Azerbaijan. It is the largest lake in the Middle East and the third largest salt water lake on earth. More than 40 dams have been built over 13 rivers that feed the lake and the recent draught, which started in 1999, has significantly decreased the annual amount of water the lake receives. This in turn has increased the salinity of its water which may lead to an ecological disaster in the region.
Iranian Azerbaijanis speak a Turkic language and are mainly Shi’a Muslims. As the largest minority in Iran, they make up 25-30 per cent of the population; they live mainly in the north and north-west of the country and in Tehran. Although generally well integrated into Iranian society, in recent years they have increasingly called for greater cultural and linguistic rights, including the implementation of their constitutional right to education in Azerbaijani Turkic. Article 15 of Iran’s Constitution states that Persian is the official language of Iran and that “official documents, correspondence, and texts, as well as textbooks, must be in this language and script.” It adds that “the use of regional and tribal languages in the press and mass media, as well as for teaching of their literature in schools, is allowed in addition to Persian.”
A small minority want Iranian Azerbaijani provinces to break away from Iran and join with the Republic of Azerbaijan. In recent years the authorities have grown increasingly suspicious of Iran's minorities, many of which are situated in border areas, and have accused foreign powers such as the USA and the UK of stirring unrest among them. Those who seek to promote Azerbaijani cultural identity and linguistic rights are often charged with vaguely worded offences such as "acting against state security by promoting pan-Turkism".
Both before, and particularly since, the disputed presidential election in June 2009, the Iranian authorities have severely restricted freedom of expression in Iran, arresting journalists (of whom scores are believed to remain in detention), imposing restrictions on the use of the internet, including social networking sites, and shutting down newspapers. Demands by ethnic minority rights activists for greater rights have, for many years, been suppressed. This pattern continues in the context of a wide and generalized suppression of most forms of dissent over government policy.
In February 2010, Iran accepted several recommendations to guarantee freedom of expression and press activities made by other states as part of a review of its human rights record before the UN Human Rights Council in the framework of the Universal periodic review (see paragraph 90, recommendations 52-58 at http://www.upr-info.org/IMG/pdf/A_HRC_WG-6_7_L-11_Iran.pdf) but rejected other recommendations calling for an end to measures such as harassment and arbitrary arrest of writers, journalists and bloggers. It appears that, despite such public commitments, in practice, the Iranian authorities are continuing to disregard their human rights obligations relating to freedom of expression. Iran also rejected recommendations to take all appropriate measures to end all forms of discrimination and harassment against persons belonging to religious, ethnic, linguistic and other minorities (see paragraph 92). At the beginning of March 2010, a wave of arrests of human rights defenders took place. Students, journalists and political activists have also continued to be targeted since the start of the year, and arrests have expanded to include lawyers, clerics, members of Iran’s religious and ethnic minorities such as the Baha’is, Kurds and Azerbaijanis, and those with family links to members of banned groups.
UA: 102/11 Index: MDE 13/038/2011 Issue Date: 04 April 2011
The demonstration in Tabriz took place by the Talkheh River (also called Aji Chai) where plain-clothed police and armed forces arrested up to 70 people and injured many. Those still in detention in Tabriz are said to include Habib Pourvali, Jalil Alamdar Milani, Ali Salimi and Sa’id Siyami. In Oromieh, the protest took place in a park in the city where up to 20 people were reportedly arrested including Sa’id Khizirlou. Most of those arrested are believed to have been released within 24 to 48 hours. The whereabouts of those still detained are unknown.
PLEASE WRITE IMMEDIATELY in Persian, English or your own language: - Calling on the Iranian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Habib Pourvali, Jalil Alamdar Milani, Ali Salimi, Sa’id Siyami and Sa’id Khizirlou and any other detained protesters, if they were arrested in connection with the peaceful expression of their views or participation in a peaceful gathering, as they would be prisoners of conscience; - Urging the authorities to immediately disclose their whereabouts and to ensure that they are protected from torture and other ill-treatment and have access to a lawyer, their families and any medical treatment they might require; - Urging the authorities to remove unlawful restrictions on freedoms of expression, association and assembly in Iran.
PLEASE SEND APPEALS BEFORE 16 MAY 2011 TO: Head of East Azerbaijan Province Judiciary Hojjatoleslam Sharifi, Judiciary of East Azerbaijan, Central Complex, Beginning of Vali-Asr Hill, Tabriz, East Azerbaijan 5157733135, Islamic Republic of Iran Fax: 009841133201109 Salutation: Dear Sir
Head of West Azerbaijan Province Judiciary Hojjatoleslam Sayed Mohammad Ali Mousavi
Judiciary of East Azerbaijan Enghelab Square,
Oromieh, West Azerbaijan Province, Islamic Republic of Iran Email: info@dadgostary-ag.ir Salutation: Dear Sir
And copies to: Secretary General, High Council for Human Rights Mohammad Javad Larijani High Council for Human Rights [Care of] Office of the Head of the Judiciary, Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave. south of Serah-e Jomhouri, Tehran 1316814737,Islamic Republic of Iran Email: info@humanrights-iran.ir (subject line: FAO Mohammad Javad Larijani) Salutation: Dear Sir
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date.
Lake Oromieh is a salt lake in north-western Iran. The lake is situated between the Iranian provinces of East Azerbaijan and West Azerbaijan. It is the largest lake in the Middle East and the third largest salt water lake on earth. More than 40 dams have been built over 13 rivers that feed the lake and the recent draught, which started in 1999, has significantly decreased the annual amount of water the lake receives. This in turn has increased the salinity of its water which may lead to an ecological disaster in the region.
Iranian Azerbaijanis speak a Turkic language and are mainly Shi’a Muslims. As the largest minority in Iran, they make up 25-30 per cent of the population; they live mainly in the north and north-west of the country and in Tehran. Although generally well integrated into Iranian society, in recent years they have increasingly called for greater cultural and linguistic rights, including the implementation of their constitutional right to education in Azerbaijani Turkic. Article 15 of Iran’s Constitution states that Persian is the official language of Iran and that “official documents, correspondence, and texts, as well as textbooks, must be in this language and script.” It adds that “the use of regional and tribal languages in the press and mass media, as well as for teaching of their literature in schools, is allowed in addition to Persian.”
A small minority want Iranian Azerbaijani provinces to break away from Iran and join with the Republic of Azerbaijan. In recent years the authorities have grown increasingly suspicious of Iran's minorities, many of which are situated in border areas, and have accused foreign powers such as the USA and the UK of stirring unrest among them. Those who seek to promote Azerbaijani cultural identity and linguistic rights are often charged with vaguely worded offences such as "acting against state security by promoting pan-Turkism".
Both before, and particularly since, the disputed presidential election in June 2009, the Iranian authorities have severely restricted freedom of expression in Iran, arresting journalists (of whom scores are believed to remain in detention), imposing restrictions on the use of the internet, including social networking sites, and shutting down newspapers. Demands by ethnic minority rights activists for greater rights have, for many years, been suppressed. This pattern continues in the context of a wide and generalized suppression of most forms of dissent over government policy.
In February 2010, Iran accepted several recommendations to guarantee freedom of expression and press activities made by other states as part of a review of its human rights record before the UN Human Rights Council in the framework of the Universal periodic review (see paragraph 90, recommendations 52-58 at http://www.upr-info.org/IMG/pdf/A_HRC_WG-6_7_L-11_Iran.pdf) but rejected other recommendations calling for an end to measures such as harassment and arbitrary arrest of writers, journalists and bloggers. It appears that, despite such public commitments, in practice, the Iranian authorities are continuing to disregard their human rights obligations relating to freedom of expression. Iran also rejected recommendations to take all appropriate measures to end all forms of discrimination and harassment against persons belonging to religious, ethnic, linguistic and other minorities (see paragraph 92). At the beginning of March 2010, a wave of arrests of human rights defenders took place. Students, journalists and political activists have also continued to be targeted since the start of the year, and arrests have expanded to include lawyers, clerics, members of Iran’s religious and ethnic minorities such as the Baha’is, Kurds and Azerbaijanis, and those with family links to members of banned groups.
UA: 102/11 Index: MDE 13/038/2011 Issue Date: 04 April 2011
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